Fashion Blogger

Warm orange nail polish
8,5 ml ┃ Fri for hormonforstyrrende stoffer
Allergivenlig ┃ 1-2 dages Levering - Bestil inden 14 og vi sender samme dag.
This fashion blogger likes to be provocative and ambiguous showing her true identity in bold orange colour and makeup. Casually smart boho chic is just about how cool she looks on rainy days with matching warm orange nail polish. Chip resistant and with high gloss effect on nails. Pinky glitter on top is Luxe Touch.
I must admire how fashion bloggers have us thinking more creatively about the pieces we already have in our closets. I guess you have to be much focused and truly dedicated to run a fashion blog. You must be able to wear several hats if you want to build it as a business.
Not that the blogger is the CEO, she is also an employee, the banker, the writer, the assistant, the negotiator, the content creator, the photographer, the everything. If she misses a deadline or an opportunity there is no one to blame. You have to be everything and everywhere at all times. Truly dedication.
Having said there a lots of courageous fashion bloggers, they are not afraid. Sometimes they also go to extremes and wear completely crazy stuff. I think it is super interesting and keep going girls. Hands up. Fashion Blogger is a vivid take on red twisted with and orange tone to make a warm red nail polish.
Especially attractive both as manicure and pedicure.