So Chic

Soft rose nail polish
8,5 ml ┃ Fri for hormonforstyrrende stoffer
Allergivenlig ┃ 1-2 dages Levering - Bestil inden 14 og vi sender samme dag.
A very chic and elegant woman wears her nails soft and subtle. Nails which go around the clock and match any outfit in the office without being out of place. At the ballet she realises her nails are the same creamy soft rose shade as the Prima Ballerina's skirt. Ideal for days of leisure when you do not want to much on your nails.
As a young girl I used to dance ballet for 15 years. I remember at class we used to have a lady playing live at the piano. We would reharsal the same steps over and over until our teacher was satisfied. This was very rewarding to me in the sence today I still love to watch ballet. Especially The Royal Danish Ballet in central Copenhagen is world famous for the art. As a young girl I used to love coming to Copenhagen to buy my ballet rose dancewear and balletshoes. We had one store in central Copenhagen. Everything was rose cream in that shop.
Ballet tought me to value my body and to stay fit. I stay fint with tennis and running. I am a certified Pilates instructor and have 3 classes a week. I love to work by body mindfully with my breath as tought through pilates. Initially Pilates was founded by Joseph Pilates about 100 years ago. When he arrived as an immigrant to New York, as everybody else from the ships from Europe, he happened to open a pilates studio right next to New York City Ballet and how initailly pilates was known as training among professional ballet dancers and dancers in general.
When I teach Pilates is it rewarding to watch an elderly lady training her pilates and if after class she tells me – today I really feel my shoulder is better or my arm feel so much better. To me this is so rewarding and why I love to teach Pilates.