Fit For Fashion

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Golden nails shifting towards lilac.

8,5 ml  Fri for hormonforstyrrende stoffer
Allergivenlig ┃ 1-2 dages Levering - Bestil inden 14 og vi sender samme dag.

From lakeside yoga in Vietnam to rooftop bathing in Barcelona, the latest SPA’s are world class. Be fit for fashion too with douchrome metallic golden lilac shimmer on nails. Such right party nail lacquer for summer evenings.
Make sure you stay fit in your mind too. Unplug from constantly being online via your phone.

Evidently researchers now know relaxation and mindfulness meditation uniquely reset and quite the brain. You see an uprising of wellness festivals around the globe, where wellness activities like yoga, massage, guided hikes and meditation classes and the likes are becoming a big hit.

If you like to stay fit mentally. Try to apply nail polish mindful. Be present in the moment while you do the application and simply enjoy the time it takes. And not rush the application, before you leave home. Say to yourself; I am doing nail yoga. In your family, simply use nail polish application, as you own time off the family. Mom is doing nail yoga!

It helps you focus on each coat and your nails will dry well. Fit For Fashion will have staying power with such application. Enjoy metallic nails shifting colours between gold and lilac all pending of the light hitting the nail.

Din Kurv

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